How does spiritual direction work? What happens in a session? FAQ #2 tells all.
Faith formation and sacred conversations are the focus on the faith journey through spiritual direction, retreats, books, and other resources.
Faith formation and sacred conversations are the focus on the faith journey through spiritual direction, retreats, books, and other resources.
All in Hospitality
How does spiritual direction work? What happens in a session? FAQ #2 tells all.
Sometimes we over-complicated the beautiful simplicity of spirituality and knowing God.
In a technology-driven society, an irony exists that the more “networked” we become in our digitized universe, the less connected and grounded we may feel. A virtual reality lacks the band-width for creating a deep sense of belonging to a specific time, place, and people. Our reach may be global, but there is a deep yearning within for identity and belonging to a local, geographic, face-to-face community where we know and are known, see and are seen, love and are loved — a place where we call home.
Guided Meditation #5: Key to My Heart… We rarely show hospitality to our own souls, yet entering the heart space where God waits to welcome us is the key to this prayer of imagination. Welcome in.
How would you describe the center point of listening? How do you define listening?
What’s the most asked question I get when I tell someone I’m a spiritual director? “What’s a spiritual director and what do you do?”
In a world that labels self-care as selfish, or a waste of time, we have to fight the inner voices that try to convince us that we don’t deserve to spend time tending to our own soul.
Do you ever wake up with words of a song stuck in your head, or more importantly, in your heart? The old hymn Abide with Me has lodged itself within me recently, asking me to pay attention to it.
A listening heart and an attentive mind is the greatest gift of hospitality anyone can offer to another person.
In a highly distracted world, it takes intention to truly listen to another. Three key elements include receiving, reflecting, and responding.
There are many beautiful metaphors for spiritual direction. My new favorite is that of a musical conductor, blending all the voices, harmonies, tones, expressions of the divine score. What are your favorite metaphors?
If there’s one gift I’ve received during the days of the coronavirus quarantine it has been the gift of abiding. With busniess, churches, entertainment and recreation closed, literally all roads lead home. And at home, along with the rest of the world I say put.