All in Community

Spiritual Direction Goes to Church

In this season of global change and cultural upheaval, people are re-evaluating their faith, their traditions, and what it means to be the church. And churches are asking the hard questions about how they can partner with individuals as they re-imagine the possibility of being a faith community. And spiritual direction is one way to minister to the church and individuals exploring their own faith journey. Following are six ways to open the doors for spiritual direction in the church

Coming Home

In a technology-driven society, an irony exists that the more “networked” we become in our digitized universe, the less connected and grounded we may feel. A virtual reality lacks the band-width for creating a deep sense of belonging to a specific time, place, and people. Our reach may be global, but there is a deep yearning within for identity and belonging to a local, geographic, face-to-face community where we know and are known, see and are seen, love and are loved — a place where we call home.