Sabbath Rest: The Space Between
Following the crucifixion, one small sentence holds a space for silence and rest between death and resurrection. “On the sabbath they rested according to the commandment.” Luke 23:56. And Jesus’ body rested within the darkness of the tomb.
Sabbath is a God-ordained margin of space and time to pause, take a breath, reflect on all that has occurred. It is time to let what has happened within you and around you during this Holy Week to settle into your soul. Sabbath invites you to set aside the striving, even the journey, and to come to an oasis to rest in the reality that is this present moment.
On Sabbath we wait on God. In the waiting we experience mystery of the unknown future, while trusting that the path has been prepared for us without our straining to make it so.
Take time for silence.
Take time for awareness.
Take time to breathe in all that has been given.
Take time to exhale all that is not needed.
How will you acknowledge the spaces between death and resurrection in your own life? What are you embracing, what are you releasing?