The Pilgrim Way

The Pilgrim Way

Spiritual Direction is the practice of allowing a companion, a director, to join you as an experienced observer on your faith pilgrimage through life.  And as much as “abiding together” in spiritual direction has to do with sitting and dwelling, it’s really about creating a place to rest as we make pilgrimage through new territory of the inner life. Spiritual direction asks us to push pause, to not be so concerned about getting somewhere specific, or about the speed at which we are progressing. When I first began to meet with a director, I experienced our monthly meetings not only as a time to reflect on my spiritual life and relationship with God, but it impacted me physically. I sensed a literal oasis or respite from what was then a survival mode mentality as I acclimated to life as a single parent.

This hour allowed me to look back at where I had been, reflect and ask questions of myself and of God about what I had seen and experienced. What needed to be grieved? What could I release and celebrate? These and many other questions often arise as we explore life and faith and God walking in the midst of it all.

The gift of pilgrimage encourages us to wander, wonder, and welcome the journey inward and the journey outward. It call us to take another step closer to the heart of God beating inside us. It asks that we stretch, climb, walk, run or rest in the green pastures or the valley of shadows, knowing that others have walked the path before us, others will follow after us, and others walk with us today as spiritual companions on the pilgrim way.  

Where is your faith pilgrimage taking you these day? What is the landscape of your soul? I’d love to hear about your journey in your comments here, or contact me to learn more about spiritual direction or to schedule time for conversation.

Until then, blessings on the way.




Liminal Space

Liminal Space

Silence in Spiritual Direction

Silence in Spiritual Direction