DAY 20: Ponder the Mystery: A Contemplative Advent Journey

DAY 20: Ponder the Mystery: A Contemplative Advent Journey

“By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness…to guide our feet in the way of peace. Luke 1:78-79

PONDER: The “way of peace…” Where is this way? How can we train ourselves to walk this path? The way of peace recognizes that this doesn’t mean we are free of trouble, conflict, or the trauma that plagues the world. We soon realize the way of peace is paved within the heart, mind, and soul that rests in the belief that God’s goodness leads the way. It believes that everything – the troubles and the testing, the joy and the delight – all turn on the hinge of faith in the One who promised, that all will be well with your soul. And when all doesn’t feel well, we can proclaim and ponder the mystery that all will be held, safe in the abiding love of God

RESPOND: Imagine walking along a cobblestone path on a quiet street. Walk slowly, and let each cobblestone represent a life experience or season of your life that together make up the whole of your pathway. As you travel along this path, begin at your childhood years, receiving images, words, or remembrances that marked the miles through this time of growth. Welcome these memories, whether delightful or painful, and pray, “Lord, teach me your way of peace.”  

Continue on through your life journey in this way, remembering the years, seasons, events, stopping at those that carry weight and offer up the prayer, “Lord, teach me your way of peace.”

After you’ve made your way along your own path, notice other pathways crossing and intersecting your own. As you stop at these intersections pray, “Lord, teach me your way of peace.”

And finally, notice other cobblestone markers along the edges of the pathway, those who live on the fringes of society whose voices cry out for peace and mercy, and pray “Lord, teach me your way of peace.” Listen to how the Spirit may prompt new insights, actions, or invitations to further explore this way of peace.

A BLESSING: May your way of peace be clearly marked along your path. May you always know the companionship of other pilgrims along way. May you always go with a yielded heart, willing to be taught the Divine way of peace. Amen.

DAY 19: Ponder the Mystery: A Contemplative Advent Journey

DAY 19: Ponder the Mystery: A Contemplative Advent Journey