The Road Home
One of the most revealing stories in scripture about Jesus is the story of two disciples walking home to Emmaus on the day of resurrection. We see how Jesus is with his followers, and the tenderness of how he allows their journey to unfold naturally as he walks by their side and stays with them.
Of course, Jesus knew what was on their minds. He knew how they were feeling and where they were going, yet he didn’t intrude on their journey or the process of examining all that made them sad as a result of the crucifixion event, or the confusion about what had happened to Jesus that morning and wondering where he might be. Jesus simply asked questions, listened, stayed with them, and let them experience the sadness until a moment would come later when it all became clear to them again.
We often are quick to get to easy explanations about our faith. We want solutions to challenges, fixes to brokenness, and clear maps to get us on the path to happiness. But Jesus doesn’t offer any of that. What he does offer is his presence. He came near. He went with them. He listened to them as they were, and where they were.
We too have the opportunity to take on this demeanor as we encounter others on a faith journey. Whether in our faith communities, or just in our daily encounters, these gifts of presence and listening are rare in this world. Yet as Christ-followers, we too are called to be a listening presence to others, to bear with one another, to mourn with those who mourn, rejoice with those who rejoice. Only as we come to the resurrection journey willing to explore our own experiences as well as listen to others, do we come to see Jesus with us
Lord, what a journey we’ve been on together.
What challenges we have faced in this life.
I don’t always know the meaning beyond what I’m feeling,
but I trust you are at my side, gently leading.
Help me not to be in a rush, not to run ahead of you.
Let me walk and not be weary as you lead me home
When have you experienced a sadness, disappointment, or discouragement on your spiritual journey?Were you aware of how Jesus met you in this time?
How have you felt listened to and heard in the midst of difficult times? How have you been a listening presence to others?
What difference might it make to you or your faith community to have such a posture of listening deeply to one another?
As you consider how Jesus has met you on the road and listened and revealed to truth and wisdom in your life, is there an invitation for you in the next step of your faith journey?