Five Moment Memoir

With so much going on around us and within us, we need tools to process and pray through our days. Whether you are wanting to write more consistently or pray more intentionally, here is a way to reflect on the day or week as a practice of searching heart, mind, and soul. Think through your day and consider five moments that come to mind. It can be anything form the tiniest observance of a bug on a window, to a major news event or anything in between – a conversation, a kindness, a frustration, a reading. You decide, then quickly jot down those five moments snapshots, in your journal.

Now sit with those specific moments and hold them in silent awareness. What do you notice? Is there a commonality to them? Determine which one resonates with you the most, stirring up an emotion, positive or negative. Begin journaling about this moment, the details of how it occurred or what you observed using all five senses to magnify your moment. What is your response emotionally, physically, spiritually to that moment? What questions does it prompt? What wisdom does it seek or reveal?

After you’ve written all that you have to say, spend a few minutes in silence, offering this moment and listening for promptings or invitations to something new. What will you take from this encounter into your future? End with a simple word of gratitude in your journal

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