Retreat. It’s the battle cry for a soldier to pull back, to stand down, to disengage from the front line and find refuge away from the battlefield. This is no different than the spiritual call to retreat, to step away from the grind of daily life, to unplug from the connections that continually speak into our souls, to yield and fall back as a way to regroup, reassess, and renew body, mind, and spirit.
Whether its a few hours or a few days, a retreat allows us to strip away all that props us up or prods us along, and invites us to carve out time and space devoted solely to entering the presence of God through silence, stillness, and rest. Here we tune our ears to the voice of God, and sharpen our vision to the gifts around us and within us as we heed Jesus’ invitation to “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a
while.” (Mark 6:31).
How has retreat played a roll in your spiritual formation? Is it a regular habit built into the calendar? Meeting once a month with a spiritual direction is a form of retreat as well. One hour to step back, like a sabbath rest from the routines, to stop and savor, to breathe and pay attention to your soulscape. Ready to explore spiritual direction? Contact me to set up a time to talk about the possibility.