I Wonder as I Wander
One of the most meaningful gifts of meeting with a spiritual director is the invitation to wonder as we wander along the path. This wondering helps to reframe what we are experiencing in a new light. This wondering spans every facet of life. I’ve wondered with a woman who needed to redefine her definition of “helping” as she transitioned from her work life into her retirement life. Another woman wondered what it really meant to be “saved” because she had an idea it was more than saying a certain prayer. I’ve personally wondered, along with many of you, about what church really means to me and how I might be the church in my everyday life. And in this season of new realities, we are becoming well acquainted societal wondering as we dismantle old ideas and policies and uncover hidden pockets of unrest, injustice, long-held cultural wounding as we redefine “normal” if such a think ever existed.
Dismantling, rebuilding, wondering and wandering is the disruptive work of death and resurrection. Sometimes it arises from violent upheavals to the structure of society. Sometimes the wondering arises from gentle nudges that ask us to inch our way forward to new truths and new ways of being. However the work begins, it requires a casting off of the old to put on the new because the old and the new cannot peaceably cohabitate. These seeds of change that sprout into actionable intelligence open doors to a more cohesive, stable, equitable life for individuals and our world.
What new definitions about matters of life and spirit tug at you to pay attention today? Notice if there is a frustration, a longing, or a fear masquerading as an opportunity to wonder about a new perspective, a new calling, a new attitude, or a new idea to explore.. What do you need to cast off once and for all? What is the new garment you need to put on?
I would love to hear about your wonderings and wanderings.. Connect with me via email or schedule a spiritual direction conversation with me on my home page calendar.