Creating a Rule of Life Part 1 of 2
During my training to become a spiritual director, I began to consider what my “rule of life” or, as I like to call it, my “liturgy of days” would look like in ordinary life. I remember the day we talked about this, a gentleman in my cohort pulled out his wallet and removed a small slip of laminated paper and said it was the rule of life he had lived by for years. I don’t recall what it said, but I was taken by the idea that something like that could keep my heart and mind focused on what I truly valued based on who I am and all that God had planted within me.
Like a trellis guides a wild vine, so the rule of life guides my multi-faceted existence. It is not a prescriptive list of rules, but rather a descriptive framework of values and intentions that help me more fully love the life I’m given. Coming to the point of holding that single focus took some time and intentional meditation on various aspects of my life to help me better define and live by the things I value most. This simple structure sets a rhythm and focus that helps me align my commitments to my convictions.
Developing a rule of life begins by assessing your relationship with various facets of life. Determine what those facets may be for you. It may include your relationships to God, self, church and ministry, family and friends, community, finances and possessions, work, nature, technology and home. Don’t try to cover it all. Just choose 3-5 of the most important aspects of your life. Sit with those areas of your life for a few days, taking an inventory of it all, praying over it, honoring all that it is, how it has shaped you, and how you want to move forward with it into the future.
Part 2 will further unpack the next steps in creating your rule of life and I will share my own rule. In the meantime, enjoy exploring the abundant life God intended for you to live.