DAY 2: Ponder the Mystery...a Comtemplative Advent Journey
“A virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call him Emmanuel, God with Us.” Isaiah 7:14
PONDER: Centuries before the birth of Jesus, the prophet Isaiah told of this coming Savior, told of the virgin giving birth to "God with Us." Such words stirred hope within all those who heard it. They held these words like a torch to light the way for the coming Messiah to save them from the oppression of their era, as the fullness of time drew near.
RESPOND: Every era has its own oppressive realities that beg for relief and release from all that binds up our hearts and minds and spirits. As you meditate on the hope of “Emmanuel, God with Us,” what are the dis-heartening realities that you are sitting with today? Consider all dimensions — from the world stage of war and politics to the microcosm of daily challenges that leave you frustrated, lonely, or fearful about the future. How does the image above speak to you as you ponder your life circumstances?
Spend a moment imagining God with you in the midst of your specific situation, environment, or relationships. Rest in the peace of casting all your cares and all possible outcomes into this Holy presence surrounding you now. Listen for any wisdom, insight, or words of hope given to you in this Emmanuel time, and record them in your journal.
A BLESSING: May "God with Us" grace the seconds, minutes, and hours of your day and bless you with an abiding awareness of Divine presence surrounding you, sending roots of hope deep within to strengthen, stabilize, and soothe your soul. Amen